The 1-Week Divorce
Day 1 Initial Consultation & Agreement to Mediate
Each party will meet with my for a one-on-one session to determine if mediation is suitable for the situation. This is a chance to discuss your situation, concerns, and goals for the divorce. If both parties are ready, you will sign an agreement to mediate, committing to work together in good faith to reach a resolution.
Day 2 Information Gathering & Assessment
During the second day we will conduct a thorough assessment of the issues that will be mediated. Additionally, we will collect and gather all relevant financial documents, develop a list of assets and assess any legal liabilities that may come into play.
Days 3 & 4 Mediation Sessions
With all relevant information, we will then begin working together to facilitate productive discussions and encourage parties to collaborate and communicate effectively. Clients will be guided through the negotiation process and create solutions in a respectful manner.
Days 5 & 6 Final Negotations & Agreement Building
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Day 7 Agreement Signing
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